get fit and stay fit

How did the company come about?
Already during my training as a physiotherapist, I was able to familiarise myself with the “classic physiotherapy: patient comes, patient is treated, patient leaves”. So I completed a dual course of study at the Lausitz University of Applied Sciences during my training and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy in 2011. Training therapy aspects shaped the time during my studies. This is an essential part of the training, which was taught alongside it. The combination of physiotherapy and sport has shaped my work ever since.
It all started in Welzow in 2014, when partners in the health sector were sought for the construction of a new senior-friendly home. That was the foundation stone. As a native of Forst, it was clear to me that I also wanted to have a location in Forst. This I was able to fulfil this dream in 2018 in the rooms in Lindenstraße. In 2019, the Forst prevention and rehabilitation sports centre was added.
How does the offer differ at the respective locations?
In Lindenstraße, we mainly offer therapeutic applications. Our medical training equipment is located here. These are approved according to the Medical Devices Act and can be used in therapy, such as physiotherapy for the sick on the equipment. Members who want more safety and supervision also train on this equipment.
The Mühlenstraße is mainly used for our course sports. There is a wide range of courses on offer – from leisure courses to prevention courses and rehabilitation sport. In addition, our fitness room for strength athletes is located there.
What was the biggest challenge?
The biggest challenge was the first year. During the training, you learn theory and practice for therapeutic work. Business management topics, which are important in setting up and managing, hardly play a role. In the beginning, I started with one staff member. Making appointments and billing – I did all that before and after the treatments.
The reopening of the 2nd location in Forst and the prevention and rehabilitation sports centre were also challenging. We did a lot of the renovation work ourselves, which required time and energy at the weekends.
What is the most beautiful thing for you?
I am living my dream. I like having the freedom to implement my own ideas. Of course, I check beforehand: Does it suit us? Does it already exist in Forst? Do I have the resources? I often find out whether the idea is good in joint discussions with my staff and with the athletes. But there is also a lively exchange between my staff and the athletes. It’s really informal. Ideas are discussed here and the pros and cons are weighed up.
What are the everyday worries and needs?
What we really feel is the shortage of skilled workers. Our services are usually very well received, but then we come up against staffing limits. Training to become a physiotherapist is very demanding, even though much has improved in the meantime. It is a school-based training.
How important is Forst as a location for you?
Forst has a special character for me, I grew up here. My family lives here. Even though I don’t live in Forst, I still have this personal connection to it.
Physiotherapie Grüne Mitte
03149 Forst (Lausitz)
Opening hours
Friday: 8:00 am to 7:00 pm
Fitness centre
Präventions- und Rehasportzentrum Forst
03149 Forst (Lausitz)
Opening hours
Friday: 8:00 am to 7:00 pm
Leisure courses
Rehab sport