Posamentieren – traditional craftmanship in the modern spirit of the time.

Why don’t you tell us a little bit about the story of the company itself and also about your reasons for taking it over.
The company itself was founded in 1884 by the Wagler family in Berlin and was sold in 2006 for reasons of age. Four partners from the region took it over at that time and moved to Forst. In 2013, my husband learned by chance about the factory’s insolvency. We decided to take over very quickly. Even though the project seemed very adventurous, it still appealed to us. We were particularly interested in preserving this beautiful and ancient craft. But also our local patriotism was one of the reasons for the decision.
Where did you work before?
I was in the public service for 20 years. However, my husband has had an interior design business for many years. Over time, I have helped out more and more and so already got a little insight into self-employment. Besides, I like craftsmanship. I like to see something happen and have a finished product on the table at the end of the day.
In the manufactory, I work mainly in order acceptance and take care of all the background work. However, it happens more and more often that I also take over one or the other task in the production.
Was it easier or more difficult for you than you had imagined?
There were some hurdles to overcome, especially at the beginning. But with the appropriate support, we have managed to do it nonetheless. There were many people who believed in us and supported us in many different ways, even if only with encouraging words.
The necessary changes were not comprehensible to everyone and so we had to find new employees. In the end, however, a lot of things turned out to be positive. Building up our customer base, for example – we received a lot of help from a sales representative. We were also able to make a good name for ourselves in the restoration. The order situation improved noticeably. So then in 2018 we had our first really good year.
Who do you mainly manufacure for?
Our customers are interior decorators, interior designers and upholsterers. However, we also produce for theatres, local dressmakers, luminaire builders and private individuals. Orders in the restoration are always a highlight. We have already worked several times for Branitz Castle and Granitz Castle on Rügen. Most recently, we produced various trimmings for the Residence Palace in Dresden. It always makes one particularly proud to know that a piece of craftsmanship made in Forst now hangs in such historic houses.
What are your plans for the future?
Our plan for the future is to expand the Posamenten Manufaktur with a ready-to-use service for the interior furnishing. We have already started to do this and created space for a sewing studio in our storage room. The first customers are already being supplied and discussions for larger orders are underway.
As far as trimmings are concerned, we definitely want to launch a few more new products. Together with a management consultant, we were able to develop some good ideas here, which are definitely to be worked out properly in the coming months.
What are the advantages of moving your home from Potsdam to Forst?
Life in Forst is much more relaxed than in larger cities. There you often have the feeling that it is always going higher, faster, further. There is no time to pause, to take a breath and to do a bit of soul-searching – all the things that is so important if you want to achieve something.
The conditions for entrepreneurs are a little different here. Some costs are cheaper, which is obviously advantageous from an economic point of view. However, people’s way of thinking is sometimes a bit sluggish, which can often complicate everyday life. Most live by the motto, “We’ve always done it this way. ” I prefer to say, “Nothing is as constant as change. ” Change always offers the opportunity for new possibilities and is the key to lasting success.
In times of structural change, we see more and more often that young companies in particular are defying old ways of thinking and making a virtue out of necessity. They come with new ideas and fresh energy. This is the future of Lusatia!
03149 Forst (Lausitz)
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